Appendix "B" Windsurfing
(This document included only those elements of Appendix B which apply to Course Racing)
Windsurfing competition shall be sailed under The Racing Rules of Sailing as changed by this appendix. The term ‘boat’ elsewhere in the racing rules means ‘board’ or ‘boat’ as appropriate. A windsurfing event can include one or more of the following disciplines or their formats:
Discipline Formats
Racing Course racing; slalom; marathon; Expression; Wave performance; freestyle; Speed
In expression competition a board’s performance is judged on skill and variety rather than speed and is organized using elimination series. Either wave performance or freestyle competition is organized, depending on the wave conditions at the venue. In speed competition, a ‘round’ consists of one or more speed runs in which the boards take turns sailing the course at intervals. In the racing discipline a marathon race is a race scheduled to last more than one hour.
In racing or expression competition, ‘heat’ means one elimination contest, a ‘round’ consists of one or more heats, and an elimination Series consists of one or more rounds.
B1.1 The following additional definitions apply:
About to Round or Pass
A board is about to round or pass a mark when her proper course is to begin to manoeuvre to round or pass it.
Beach Start
When the starting line is on the beach, or so close to the beach that the competitor must stand in the water to start, the start is a beach start.
A board is capsized when her sail or the competitor is in the water.
A board is recovering from the time her sail or, when water-starting, the competitor is out of the water until she has steerage way.
Rule B2 applies to all competition.
B2.1 Changes to the Rules of Part 4
Rule 42 is changed to ‘A board shall be propelled only by the action of the wind on the sail, by the action of the water on the hull and by the unassisted actions of the competitor.’
Add to rule 43.1(a): ‘However, a competitor may wear a drinking container that shall have a capacity of at least one litre and weigh no more than 1.5 kilograms when full.’
Rule 44.2 is changed so that two turns are replaced by one 360° turn with no requirement for tacks or gybes.
Add to rule 47.1: ‘except as stated in rule 41.2’. (See rule B4.4.)
B2.2 Entry and Qualification
Add to rule 78.1: ‘When so prescribed by the ISAF, a numbered and dated device on a board and her centreboard, fin and rig shall serve as her measurement certificate.’
B2.3 Event Organization
The last sentence of rule 90.2(c) is deleted.
Add new rule 90.2(d): ‘Oral instructions may be given only if the procedure is stated in the sailing instructions.’
B2.4 Identification on Sails
Add to rule G1.1(a): ‘The insignia shall not refer to anything other than the manufacturer or class and shall not consist of more than two letters and three numbers or an abstract design.’ (b)
Rules G1.3(a), G1.3(c), G1.3(d) and G1.3(e) are changed to
The class insignia shall be displayed once on each side of the sail in the area above a line projected at right angles from a point on the luff of the sail one-third of the distance from the head to the wishbone. The national letters and sail numbers shall be in the central third of that part of the sail above the wishbone, clearly separated from any advertising. They shall be black and applied back to back on an opaque white background. The background shall extend a minimum of 30 mm beyond the characters. Between the national letters and sail number a ‘–’ and normal spacing shall be applied.
B2.5 Touching a Mark
Rule 31 is changed to ‘A board may touch a mark but shall not hold on to it.’
B2.6 Deleted Rules
Rules 17, 18.3, 43.2, 44.3, 45, 47.2, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 61.1(a)(2),
67, J2.2(28) and J2.2(33) are deleted.
Rule B3 applies to racing competition. Rule B2 also applies.
B3.1 Changes to the Rules of Part 2, Section C
The first sentence of rule 18.1 is changed to ‘Rule 18 applies between boards when they are required to leave a mark on the same side and at least one of them is about to round or pass it.’
Rule 18.2(b) is changed to
If boards are overlapped when the first of them is about to round or pass the mark, the outside board at that moment shall thereafter give the inside board mark-room. If a board is clear ahead when she is about to round or pass the mark, the board clear astern at that moment shall thereafter give her mark-room.
Rule 18.2(c) is changed to
When a board is required to give mark-room by rule 18.2(b), she shall continue to do so even if later an over-lap is broken or a new overlap begins. However, if the board entitled to mark-room passes head to wind rule 18.2(b) ceases to apply.
Rule 18.4 is changed to
When an inside overlapped right-of-way board must gybe or bear away at a mark to sail her proper course, until she gybes or bears away she shall sail no farther from the mark than needed to sail that course. Rule 18.4 does not apply at a gate mark.
B3.2 Changes to Other Rules of Part 2
In the preamble of Part 2, ‘rule 23.1’ is changed to ‘rules 23.1 and 23.3’.
Add new rule 16.3:
In slalom racing, a right-of-way board shall not change course during the last 30 seconds before her starting signal if as a result the other board would have to take immediate action to avoid contact.
Rule 22 becomes rule 22.1 and its last sentence is deleted. Add new rule 22.2: ‘A capsized board shall not take an action that hinders another board.’
Rule 23.1 is changed to ‘If reasonably possible, a board not racing shall not interfere with a board that is racing. After finishing, a board shall immediately clear the finishing line and marks and avoid boards still racing.’
Add new rule 23.3: ‘A board shall not sail in the course area defined in the sailing instructions when races are taking place except in her own race.’
Add new rule 24:
When approaching the starting line to start, a board shall have her sail out of the water and in a normal position, except when accidentally capsized.
B3.3 Starting Races
The sailing instructions shall specify one of these starting systems.
See rule 26, Starting Races.
B3.4 Other Rules for the Conduct of a Race
Series Scores
Rule A2 is changed to
Each board’s series score shall be the total of her race, elimination series or speed round scores with the number of her worst scores excluded as follows:
Course Speed Slalom and expression number
races rounds elimination series excluded
1–4 1–3 1–2 0
5–11 4–6 3–4 1
12 or more 7–10 5–7 2
11–15 8 or more 3
16 or more 4
If a board has two or more equal worst scores, the score(s) for the race(s) sailed earliest in the series shall be excluded. The board with the lowest series score wins and others shall be ranked accordingly. Rules B8.5, B8.6 and B8.7 contain exceptions to this rule.
B8.3 Scoring Systems
Add to the end of the first sentence of rule A4.2: ‘or, in an elimination series, the number of boards in that heat’.
B8.8 Series Ties
(NOTE THAT UKWA & LWA Sailing Instructions 16.3 states that Rule B8.8 (Ties) is deleted. This means that Ties are settled as per Clause A8 in Appendix A)
(a) RACING AND SPEED COMPETITION Rule A8 is changed as follows for racing and speed competition: 1) Add new rule A8.1: ‘If there is a series-score tie between two or more boards, it shall be broken in favour of the board(s) with the best single excluded race score(s).’
Rule A8.1 becomes rule A8.2. Its beginning ‘If there is a series-score tie’ is changed to ‘If a tie remains’ and its last sentence is changed to ‘These scores shall be used even if some of them are excluded scores.’
Rule A8.2 becomes rule A8.3 and its beginning ‘If a tie remains’ is changed to ‘If a tie still remains’.