Notice of Race
LWA Melting Pot, Summer Series & Icebreaker Series
The Organising Authority is the London Windsurfing Association (LWA)
The events and the series will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. These include Appendix B (Windsurfing Competition Rules), the Prescriptions of the RYA, the RYA Racing Charter, this Notice of Race, the Sailing Instructions, and the rules of the relevant International classes as amended by national class rules where applicable.
Club, council rules and byelaws apply if displayed on the premises of the club or council hosting the event.
Under rule 87, International Raceboard class rule C.1.2 is changed with the permission of the International Class Association to allow competitors in the Raceboard fleet to use 3 sails per event for National competition – all other equipment limitations within this rule remain unchanged.
1.4 Competitors should note that the LWA implements the RYA Racing Charter and that they will be expected to sail in compliance with it. The Charter can be found at the front of the RYA edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 (the yellow pages after the definitions), or on the RYA website at www.rya.org.uk/racingrules
1.5 The Exoneration Penalty, Advisory Hearing and RYA Arbitration of the RYA Rules Disputes Procedures will be available.
Advertising will be allowed in accordance with the class rules of the competing classes. If no limitations are prescribed within the class rules, rule 80 shall take precedence.
Boards may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the Organising Authority.
Racing will be in the following fleets and sub-divisions where notified:
BIC Techno 293 - 6.8 Techno / 7.8 Techno / Techno+ 8.5
Formula Windsurfing
Within these fleets the following age categories (divisions) may be recognised:
Junior (aged 14 or under as at 31st December 2021) – Techno 293 6.8 only
Junior (aged 16 or under as at 31st December 2021)
Techno 293 OD 7.8 (over 17 born 2000 or before)
Youth (aged 19 or under as at 31st December 2021) – 18 for RS:X Youth
Master (aged 35 or over as at 31st December 2021)
Veteran (aged 50 or over as at 31st December 2021)
Super veteran (aged 60 or over as at 31st December 2021)
Within these fleets the following National class divisions may apply:
Formula Windsurfing
Formula National
7.8 , Raceboard Lightweight, Raceboard Heavyweight, Div II
The LWA Committee reserves the right at their absolute discretion to exclude the entry of any sailor.
Before competing, each competitor shall register for the event at the Race Office, pay the required entry fee and complete, update or confirm an equipment registration form if required.
Competitors under the age of 18 must submit a completed Parent / Guardian Declaration at registration.
Fleets may race together on a single start, depending on the number of entries. Individual classes within a fleet shall be raced and scored as a single fleet.
Boards must display sail numbers on both sides of the sail in accordance with RRS Appendix G and in accordance with B9. For the purpose of Appendix G, this is not an International event. Breaches of NOR 3.7 shall not be grounds for protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a).
Competitors must enter and race under their allocated number, other than with the express permission of the Race Committee.
A competitor not complying with 3.7 will be scored DSQ but may seek redress via a results query form and accept a 20% place penalty for each race whilst in breach of 3.7 without written permission of the Race Committee. This amends A5.
4.1 Entry fees are set out on the LWA website.
Competitors shall register and confirm entry details at the Race Office before 10:30 hrs.
There will be a welcome and briefing for all competitors on the first morning of racing at 10:30.
The scheduled time of the first warning signal is 11.00.
The normal programme for each fleet will be 4 races per day.
Minimum Conditions: The intention is that all racing takes place in suitable conditions. The Race Officer shall be the sole judge of the suitability of conditions. See Sailing Instructions for details.
Sailing Instructions can be downloaded from the LWA website (www.LWAWindsurfing.co.uk) and will be available from the Registration Desk at events.
As indicted onthe LWA Website.
The course to the sailed will be detailed at the Briefing.
9.1.1 The Low Point Scoring System of Appendix A will apply, except that rule B8.8 (Ties) is deleted.
9.1.2 A competitor only becomes eligible for series or event points by registering at the event and being capable of sailing and intending to do so.
9.2.1 Each competitor’s Summer Series score will be his or her fleet position in the same fleet/division at half plus one of the total qualifying events (ie events at which 2 or more races have beenn sailed). The competitor with the lowest score will win the series.
If 7 events are sailed, then 4 count
If 6 then 4
If 5 then 3
If 4 then 3
If 2 then 2
If 1 then 1
9.2.2 If fewer than 2 races are completed at any event for a fleet it will be discounted for the Summer Series and the events to count reduced accordingly.
9.3.1 Each competitor’s Icebreaker Series score will be his or her position in the overall results from all 3 events.
9.3.2 Each Icebreaker Team consists of 4 sailors. The score for a lady, youth/junior or a sailor using a 7.8 sail is halved. If a team contains more than one such sailor, the worst score is halved
9.3.3 If fewer than 2 races are completed at any event that event will still be counted for Icebreaker Series.
9.4.1 All competitors who will be aged 17 or under on 31st December 2017 shall wear a personal flotation device to an appropriate standard at all times when afloat.
9.4.2 If requested b y the Race Officer, all competitors shall wear a buoyancy aid or life jacket to an appropriate standard at all times when afloat.
9.4.3 If conditions dictate, the organisers may require all competitors to wear personal floatation devices and/or wet or dry suits. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
A board shall neither make nor receive radio or mobile telephone transmissions while racing.
Summer Series: Prizes will be awarded to the first competitor in each fleet with 3 or more registered at the event, provided that at least one race has been completed. Additional fleet prizes, and category /sub-division prizes, may be awarded depending upon the numbers of competitors.
Icebreaker Series: Prizes will be awarded to the winning team at each event. If the same team wins more than one event the prizes will be awarded to the next team down.
11.3 Series prizes will be awarded if one event has been completed. Individual prizes will be awarded based on Series results. Other prizes mat be awarded at he LWA Committee's discretion.
RRS 4 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.”
Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:
a) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their board to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;
b) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their property whether afloat or ashore;
c) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions;
d) Their board is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;
e) The provision of a race management team, patrol boats and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;
f) The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
Each participating board shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £3 million per event or the equivalent. This cover is automatically provided as part of UKWA membership.
Competitors automatically grant to the organising authority without payment the right in perpetuity to make, use and show any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television of or relating to the event.
Further information relating to the event including news, directions to the event site, parking will be published on the LWA website prior to the event.
Appendix A
Racing will be in the following fleets and sub-divisions where notified:
BIC Techno 293 – 3.5 Techno / 4.5 Techno / 5.8 Techno / 6.8 Techno / 7.8 Techno / Techno+ 8.5
3.5 Open / 4.5 Open / 5.8 Open
Raceboard 7.8, 8.5 (Youth & Lady), 9.5 Lightweight, Heavyweight
Div II
Old Skool
Formula Windsurfing
Within these fleets the following age categories (divisions) may be recognised:
Junior (aged 14 or under as at 31st December 2017) – Techno 293 6.8 only
Junior (aged 16 or under as at 31st December 2017)
Techno 293 OD 7.8 (over 17 born 2000 or before)
Youth (aged 19 or under as at 31st December 2017) – 18 for RS:X Youth
Master (aged 35 or over as at 31st December 2017)
Veteran (aged 50 or over as at 31st December 2017)
Super veteran (aged 60 or over as at 31st December 2017)